Friday, July 24, 2009

Sayonara Stitches [縫...さよなら]

I walk in to the doctors office this morning...
I walk out of the doctors office with a big smile on my face.
He removed all the stitches in my finger! I only have about one more week to go until I can be active again!
That means I can start running again! Swimming again! Doing whatever I please! (...ha) instead of sitting on my butt for three weeks. Three weeks of summer gone to waste! Nah, I try to make it somewhat enjoyable. My friend recommended me to watch a Japanese drama... 'Bloody Monday'. 11 episodes in 2 1/2 days. Not bad! Trying to keep myself busy for another week... Hmm, my room is a fat mess. Maybe I should clean it. Maybe I should look through old papers and throw most of them away. Maybe I should be working on the Europe photo book. Maybe... I don't know. Too lazy now to decide. :)

Good bye for now.

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