Back from Rio de Janeiro.
Posted a few pictures I took from the trip.
I'll blog later on about the trip.
Too tired to do it now.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Europe Trip Photo Book!
I have found a new hobby!
Publishing books! Haha. Expensive Hobby!
Just ordered my Europe Trip photo book!
180 pages
Hardcover w/ ImageWrap.
Click here to see a PREVIEW

Using blurb, I can use my adobe software and design my own templates to create...a book!
Sounds like Haha.
If you're interested in purchasing my book, email me at
This version has the names of the members of the trip, but I can take that out if you were not on the trip. Don't worry.
I'm excited to see it next week! :)
August 20th!
I get to find out who my college roommates are! Well, my other two!
Hopefully I get the apartments. I'm really hoping I do...ah
Registration is tomorrow too! I'm very last in the alpha rotation. At least I'll be first next quarter.
I'm excited for tomorrow morning! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Publishing books! Haha. Expensive Hobby!
Just ordered my Europe Trip photo book!
180 pages
Hardcover w/ ImageWrap.
Click here to see a PREVIEW

Using blurb, I can use my adobe software and design my own templates to create...a book!
Sounds like Haha.
If you're interested in purchasing my book, email me at
This version has the names of the members of the trip, but I can take that out if you were not on the trip. Don't worry.
I'm excited to see it next week! :)
August 20th!
I get to find out who my college roommates are! Well, my other two!
Hopefully I get the apartments. I'm really hoping I do...ah
Registration is tomorrow too! I'm very last in the alpha rotation. At least I'll be first next quarter.
I'm excited for tomorrow morning! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Monday, August 17, 2009
finger update!
College is near.
I start later than most of my friends.
Most of them began packing.
Few have already moved in.
Me? I should probably get started...
I move in Sept 12th. School starts...20th?
Moved once already this summer into my new home.
Got rid of a lot of my belongings then.
Parents moving back to Japan when I go off to college.
Forced to throw away everything I don't take to college.
Everything I own...will be with me in college.
I find it a little depressing.
Keepsakes... I wish i could keep them...
So I can look back 20 - 40 years from now...and see how much I've changed.
But no... I'm not allowed.
Take a picture of it?'s still not the same.
The mother asks "when will you ever 'USE' it?"
I say "I wont. I wont use them. They're called childhood keepsakes"
The point is to keep documents that you own now...and store them.
Look back at them years later.
I guess all I can do now is take pictures of them. Save them.
Lets hope my computer doesn't crash.
All memories lost.
I'll back them up into my external hard drive.
I've backed up all of my computer files from the first time I owned a computer.
All the photographs my friends and I spent together.
Those are keepsakes. Photos I can save.
Everything else... lost.
I suggested storage units...or storage in a relatives garage...
none of that worked.
Sorry to sound so gloomy.
Just one of those days...mehh..
I start later than most of my friends.
Most of them began packing.
Few have already moved in.
Me? I should probably get started...
I move in Sept 12th. School starts...20th?
Moved once already this summer into my new home.
Got rid of a lot of my belongings then.
Parents moving back to Japan when I go off to college.
Forced to throw away everything I don't take to college.
Everything I own...will be with me in college.
I find it a little depressing.
Keepsakes... I wish i could keep them...
So I can look back 20 - 40 years from now...and see how much I've changed.
But no... I'm not allowed.
Take a picture of it?'s still not the same.
The mother asks "when will you ever 'USE' it?"
I say "I wont. I wont use them. They're called childhood keepsakes"
The point is to keep documents that you own now...and store them.
Look back at them years later.
I guess all I can do now is take pictures of them. Save them.
Lets hope my computer doesn't crash.
All memories lost.
I'll back them up into my external hard drive.
I've backed up all of my computer files from the first time I owned a computer.
All the photographs my friends and I spent together.
Those are keepsakes. Photos I can save.
Everything else... lost.
I suggested storage units...or storage in a relatives garage...
none of that worked.
Sorry to sound so gloomy.
Just one of those days...mehh..
Friday, July 24, 2009
日本語でブログしたことないねー 私の日本語はちょっと微妙かもしれないけどごめんね。日本から離れてからはもう、六年ぐらい掛かっている。漢字はオフかな?誰か私の日本語を直してくれますか?笑。ついさっき、また明日ブログをするって言ってましたけど。。。家で何にもすることがないなー。ついでに日本語でブログしようかなーって思って戻ってきました!学校で日本語をとったのは二年前かな?去年、学校で日本語の授業を止められました。学校ではあんまり日本語を取りたかった学生はいなかったから止められました。残念だったけど、私は日本語4APとってたから来年にとるクラスがなかった。ペニンスラ高校では日本語5はとれらる(そうだったっけ?)。ペニンスラ高校ではなく、パロスバ―デス高校累進的しました。残念だった... っまーいいでしょう。。。ね! :)
船橋 香保里
船橋 香保里
Sayonara Stitches [縫...さよなら]
I walk in to the doctors office this morning...
I walk out of the doctors office with a big smile on my face.
He removed all the stitches in my finger! I only have about one more week to go until I can be active again!
That means I can start running again! Swimming again! Doing whatever I please! (...ha) instead of sitting on my butt for three weeks. Three weeks of summer gone to waste! Nah, I try to make it somewhat enjoyable. My friend recommended me to watch a Japanese drama... 'Bloody Monday'. 11 episodes in 2 1/2 days. Not bad! Trying to keep myself busy for another week... Hmm, my room is a fat mess. Maybe I should clean it. Maybe I should look through old papers and throw most of them away. Maybe I should be working on the Europe photo book. Maybe... I don't know. Too lazy now to decide. :)
Good bye for now.
I walk out of the doctors office with a big smile on my face.
He removed all the stitches in my finger! I only have about one more week to go until I can be active again!
That means I can start running again! Swimming again! Doing whatever I please! (...ha) instead of sitting on my butt for three weeks. Three weeks of summer gone to waste! Nah, I try to make it somewhat enjoyable. My friend recommended me to watch a Japanese drama... 'Bloody Monday'. 11 episodes in 2 1/2 days. Not bad! Trying to keep myself busy for another week... Hmm, my room is a fat mess. Maybe I should clean it. Maybe I should look through old papers and throw most of them away. Maybe I should be working on the Europe photo book. Maybe... I don't know. Too lazy now to decide. :)
Good bye for now.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Finger Update
Today is day 17 since the accident.
Been to the doctor 5 times since I've been back from Europe.
1-3rd doctor visits
Pictures from day 17. [7/20/2009]
**click to enlarge


2. Nail is there. Should the finger grow to its normal time?

3. That's a little...gross?

4.Wrist taped to prevent bacteria from entering.

5. Stubby... :(

6. Digusting...
Been to the doctor 5 times since I've been back from Europe.
1-3rd doctor visits
- Must keep the hand elevated above the heart at all times. (that includes sleeping...)
- When showering, cover hand & wrist with plastic bags and tape the end to prevent water to seep through
- Must not raise heart rate...
- No physical activity. No running. No swimming. No walking the dog either.
- Took off the big bulgy cast.
- Stitches on the wrist were removed
- Must not bend wrist backwards. Wear support.
- Epidermitis on the finger. Removed top layer.
- No physical activity.
- Keep heart rate low.
- Change the dressings yourself.
- May get the finger wet.
- Must keep finger bandaged at all times except when showering.
- Change the dressing 1-2 times a day.
- No physical activity. (May take short walks around the park)
- Keep heart rate low.
Pictures from day 17. [7/20/2009]
**click to enlarge
2. Nail is there. Should the finger grow to its normal time?
3. That's a little...gross?
4.Wrist taped to prevent bacteria from entering.
5. Stubby... :(
6. Digusting...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Europe Trip '09
A lot has happened since the last time i blogged. I'll laundry list it to keep it sweet n' simple...

Europe trip! I got back from a 24 day trip to Europe with my Senior class just yesterday. Jet lagged, found the time to here i am. We traveled to London, Paris, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Lucerne, Florence, Sienna, Rome, Pompeii, Athens and Mykonos Island. On average, we spent approx 2 days in each city. I am currently working on posting all the photographs from the trip, which will help summarize the trip...What did we do? We had 345345 walking tours, 45645 hours of transporting from one place to another, partied, drank...lots, sightseeing, shopped, ate, ate, ate, drank, drank, drank and ate some more. The food was incredible. If i had stayed in Italy for more than a week...i would have come back obese. Greeks gyros! mmm mmm mmmm. Wish i could go back and order another. Very cheap and delicious. At the very end of the trip, there was the Greek Cruise. There is a very long and eventful story behind that one...and it'll tie in with the bullet point listed above..."surgery".
Night 1 on the cruise
11:30...getting ready for the Disco Party!
12:03...walking up to the disco
12:04...My right hand is in the door way as I walk in to the Disco dancing to the macarena, the heavy fire door closes in on my finger and i feel extreme excruciating pain in my finger...With my left hand, I open the door and notice that good top 3rd of my right finger was chopped off...part of the nail was still there...but the soft tissue was not.
12:05...Rolling on the dance floor with blood spraying everywhere and all over the floor...screaming, yelling for help
Sara and Mike were there to witness it. They were right there with me when it all happened. I get escorted down the stairs, but I collapse next to the reception desk. Staff members of the cruise come down and Sara, Mike, Stephanie and Emilie were there, and went to notify Shapiro, Chupp and Barton. Mike runs back up to the disco to find the finger that fell off. He finds it and says..."kaori..your finger...was very very..soft". I was then escorted to the infirmary to get immediate/temporary treatment by the doctor on board the ship. I was given 3-5(?) shots of morphine. From then on, I don't remember friends and teachers told me that I was singing Michael Jackson songs and reciting Finding Nemo quotes. Ha ha.
3:00am...I am conscious again... I hear a voice telling me that they were going to air lift me up into a helicopter to get medical help else where. (keep in mind that i was on a cruise ship...and in the middle of no where). I get taken out side on the heli pad, it is very loud...I get put into an orange net and air lifted into the helicopter. I felt myself half way on the helicopter and the other half...not. I opened my eyes and I saw bright lights, the ship and the sea below me. I almost had an heart attack. I pass out for most of the duration of the helicopter flight to an island called Chios. The Greek Air Force C27 jet was waiting there for me. They walked me into the jet...set me down on one of the 50 red seats there and securely strapped me down. I pass out again. I arrive in Athens and the ambulance is waiting for me. This is where I meet Roberto from EF Tours. He stays with me until i get settled in at a hospital. They transport me to a hospital near by. I learn that they cannot perform surgery there. They transport me over to another hospital in Athens.
7:00am...Arrive at the hospital. They took xrays, and from what I saw, the entire top 3rd of the finger was missing...hmm. So the friendly Greek Plastic Surgeon gives me surgery in my hand. He spoke English! thank goodness. I was awake for the whole surgery. They gave my finger 3 shots of local anesthesia and numbed my finger and proceeded with the surgery. Skin grafted from my wrist... took a big chunk out. After the anesthesia wore off... i was in the worst pain than ever before. Hurt worse than the actual accident itself. I leave the surgery room and a lady from EF Tours is there to calm me down. Her name was Judy. I get wheeled up to my hospital room, where I spent 2 nights 3 days there. Hooked me up with IV fluids...could not move my left arm either... damnit. Judy had brought me tooth brush, paste, extra clothes, food and a book to read. She was very nice to me and I thank her for everything she has done. later on, I had a few more visitors...the cruise' CEO and his family! They came by for a visit and had brought me magazines to read. (they were in English!). Penny, one of the directors from the cruise stopped by every once in a while to check up on me and brought me food etc as well. she helped me with all the paper work that had to be done when I was being discharged. She lied to the office that I had a flight to order to get in front of the line! Brian friend. He went through a lot to catch a flight to Athens to see me. He sacrificed the rest of his vacation time on the cruise to see me in the hospital! He kept me in good company for majority of the 2nd day and 3rd day there. He brought me my luggage my dear friends Sara and Stephanie packed for me. I could not thank you enough for all you have done for me. I really appreciate it. I love you all. On the 3rd day, they rebandaged my hand (that...hurt), and i was discharged. Shapiro and I took the metro back to the Hotel Oscar where I was reunited with my friends. I spent the rest of the day with my friends roaming around Athens and eating gyros. Next day, we wake up at 3am to catch a early flight back home.
I visited the doctor yesterday to re-bandage my hand, doc said it almost got to the bone and would have had nerve damage...thank god that was not the case. Here are a few images I took from my phone. (after surgery)

That pretty much sums it all up.
I will post all the photos from the trip on facebook...
My friends and you and thank you. <3
A lot has happened since the last time i blogged. I'll laundry list it to keep it sweet n' simple...
- senior project presentations
- senior events (bfast, grad night...)
- Alpay Gallery. @ Palos Verdes Art Center
- Graduation! PVHS Class of 2009!!
- My 19th birthday...6/9
- Europe Trip...I'll go in more detail about it
- my 1 monthaversary with Ry :)
- Surgery
Europe trip! I got back from a 24 day trip to Europe with my Senior class just yesterday. Jet lagged, found the time to here i am. We traveled to London, Paris, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Lucerne, Florence, Sienna, Rome, Pompeii, Athens and Mykonos Island. On average, we spent approx 2 days in each city. I am currently working on posting all the photographs from the trip, which will help summarize the trip...What did we do? We had 345345 walking tours, 45645 hours of transporting from one place to another, partied, drank...lots, sightseeing, shopped, ate, ate, ate, drank, drank, drank and ate some more. The food was incredible. If i had stayed in Italy for more than a week...i would have come back obese. Greeks gyros! mmm mmm mmmm. Wish i could go back and order another. Very cheap and delicious. At the very end of the trip, there was the Greek Cruise. There is a very long and eventful story behind that one...and it'll tie in with the bullet point listed above..."surgery".
Night 1 on the cruise
11:30...getting ready for the Disco Party!
12:03...walking up to the disco
12:04...My right hand is in the door way as I walk in to the Disco dancing to the macarena, the heavy fire door closes in on my finger and i feel extreme excruciating pain in my finger...With my left hand, I open the door and notice that good top 3rd of my right finger was chopped off...part of the nail was still there...but the soft tissue was not.
12:05...Rolling on the dance floor with blood spraying everywhere and all over the floor...screaming, yelling for help
Sara and Mike were there to witness it. They were right there with me when it all happened. I get escorted down the stairs, but I collapse next to the reception desk. Staff members of the cruise come down and Sara, Mike, Stephanie and Emilie were there, and went to notify Shapiro, Chupp and Barton. Mike runs back up to the disco to find the finger that fell off. He finds it and says..."kaori..your finger...was very very..soft". I was then escorted to the infirmary to get immediate/temporary treatment by the doctor on board the ship. I was given 3-5(?) shots of morphine. From then on, I don't remember friends and teachers told me that I was singing Michael Jackson songs and reciting Finding Nemo quotes. Ha ha.
3:00am...I am conscious again... I hear a voice telling me that they were going to air lift me up into a helicopter to get medical help else where. (keep in mind that i was on a cruise ship...and in the middle of no where). I get taken out side on the heli pad, it is very loud...I get put into an orange net and air lifted into the helicopter. I felt myself half way on the helicopter and the other half...not. I opened my eyes and I saw bright lights, the ship and the sea below me. I almost had an heart attack. I pass out for most of the duration of the helicopter flight to an island called Chios. The Greek Air Force C27 jet was waiting there for me. They walked me into the jet...set me down on one of the 50 red seats there and securely strapped me down. I pass out again. I arrive in Athens and the ambulance is waiting for me. This is where I meet Roberto from EF Tours. He stays with me until i get settled in at a hospital. They transport me to a hospital near by. I learn that they cannot perform surgery there. They transport me over to another hospital in Athens.
7:00am...Arrive at the hospital. They took xrays, and from what I saw, the entire top 3rd of the finger was missing...hmm. So the friendly Greek Plastic Surgeon gives me surgery in my hand. He spoke English! thank goodness. I was awake for the whole surgery. They gave my finger 3 shots of local anesthesia and numbed my finger and proceeded with the surgery. Skin grafted from my wrist... took a big chunk out. After the anesthesia wore off... i was in the worst pain than ever before. Hurt worse than the actual accident itself. I leave the surgery room and a lady from EF Tours is there to calm me down. Her name was Judy. I get wheeled up to my hospital room, where I spent 2 nights 3 days there. Hooked me up with IV fluids...could not move my left arm either... damnit. Judy had brought me tooth brush, paste, extra clothes, food and a book to read. She was very nice to me and I thank her for everything she has done. later on, I had a few more visitors...the cruise' CEO and his family! They came by for a visit and had brought me magazines to read. (they were in English!). Penny, one of the directors from the cruise stopped by every once in a while to check up on me and brought me food etc as well. she helped me with all the paper work that had to be done when I was being discharged. She lied to the office that I had a flight to order to get in front of the line! Brian friend. He went through a lot to catch a flight to Athens to see me. He sacrificed the rest of his vacation time on the cruise to see me in the hospital! He kept me in good company for majority of the 2nd day and 3rd day there. He brought me my luggage my dear friends Sara and Stephanie packed for me. I could not thank you enough for all you have done for me. I really appreciate it. I love you all. On the 3rd day, they rebandaged my hand (that...hurt), and i was discharged. Shapiro and I took the metro back to the Hotel Oscar where I was reunited with my friends. I spent the rest of the day with my friends roaming around Athens and eating gyros. Next day, we wake up at 3am to catch a early flight back home.
I visited the doctor yesterday to re-bandage my hand, doc said it almost got to the bone and would have had nerve damage...thank god that was not the case. Here are a few images I took from my phone. (after surgery)

That pretty much sums it all up.
I will post all the photos from the trip on facebook...
My friends and you and thank you. <3

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